Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Wars information

I just found this site online and thought it would be very useful. Use it to spur your own thoughts, but remember, this is information for a play that is being staged in Vancouver; as such, not all of the information/events are the same as in the book.



Anonymous said...

Woah 12 ppl posted here lmao
Anways too much school work right now there is a lot of stress and feels like we are being pused quite a bit , can you lighten load a bit

Anonymous said...

do we need 100 words for the poem

Anonymous said...

hey mr.r need to start more topics like on errrr the poem for instance for blog to be effective and maybe more ppl will come
and delete old posts if you can

Anonymous said...

This is so easy Mr Romanchuck

Anonymous said...

Does anybody know what page it was when Robert said not yet....