Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Posters are Beautifully done...

I have yet to closely look at your posters and study guides, but they appear to be very well done; full of symbolism and relevant images, etc.

As for the upcoming exam, you are expected to know the five stories that were discussed in class as well as those literary terms that we initially looked at on the handout: approximately 1 - 33.

If you have been in class, if you have been active in discussions and group work and if you have kept up on assignments, you will do fine.

Thursday, October 4, 2007


First of all, I am sorry to those of you who have been contributing to the blog. I will be more active on this thing from now on.

If you make a comment, please leave your name at the end of your post so that I know who is using this board.

And please do not be afraid to ask questions!!!! That's what this is for!!!!